In the middle of the endless expanse of the Pacific Ocean in Micronesia, there lies a megalithic site as inexplicable and mysterious as any on earth, a site that has been a breeding ground of legends and secrets for centuries. And yet, despite its status as “one of the most enigmatic and unique ancient sites in the world,” most people have probably never heard the name – Nan Madol. There is perhaps a good reason for this… The Micronesian island of Pohnpei is truly in the middle of nowhere. Off its shores to the east lie more than 5,000 miles of open ocean until you hit California, while to the west, another 2,500 miles of ocean to Manila in the Philippines. In the shallow waters off its eastern shores stands an unfathomable stone complex – 92 artificial islets built on top of a coral reef over an area a mile long, all linked by an elaborate network of stone-lined canals. These stone canals give the place its name – Nan Madol, which translates to “within the intervals.”

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41 comentarios en «Ancient Floating City Built By Giants – Nan Madol»
  1. Love this… but one thing I notice, this Channel seldom gives reference to Ancient Egypt and the Kemetic people whom obviously were a very Advanced race, The Structures, Status and Pictorials on the Pyramids of Giza depict mainly a very Dark Skinned race of people- Ethiopian in appearance… now the world is in the hands of Reptilians and the Nordic blue eyed (Aryan) beings whom are in cahoots… The Natives lost the technological War against the “outsiders” and here we are.

  2. If someone is able to construct such a place they surely could build a suitable boat to transport them. I'm not saying it was or wasn't giants. Could have been the Annunaki. If you know of giants you probably know they were offspring of Annunaki and Humans.

  3. OK. Let's be clear here. Some of those stones were 50 tons. You think just because these giants were a couple feet taller than us that suddenly they can haul those stones around like we carry a brick? That doesn't even begin to make sense. And by the way– where are the skeletons of these giants? They were allegedly found by Berg and others. How come nobody has actually seen them?

  4. The evedance suggests that back then stone was not as heavy as it is today. A large solar flair changed their molecular structure making them heavier and brought an end to the megalithic era. 😁

  5. These “Twin Sorcerers” to me sound like Enki, Enlil. Two Brothers who span across many cultures, I believe were Enki & Enlil. Nan Madol could also be remnants of Atlantis or pre-Younger Dryas civilization. Megalithic stories like this keep giving credit to a pre-flood, pre-cataclysmic, pre-Younger Dryas advanced civilization that met their demise with destruction and magnitude of these impact events.

  6. It ist possible that Giants existed…. All animals were much bigger than today… If Humans exist longer than the science of today say, it is only logical that Humans were much taller too….

  7. you are forgetting the sunken continent of gondwanaland. so called historians suffer from the same infliction that all ancient people were some how barbaric simpletons with no knowledge of science. Maybe these so called experts should acknowledge that maybe ancient societies had knowledge of the earth and sciences of the universe that science today cannot explain or are unwilling to acknowledge for fear that they be exposed as the prideful fools they are. The People of Vanuatu still today believe giants live in the mountains of the Islands.

  8. Candi borobudur dan candi prambanan di jawa tengah indonesia dibuat dengan tehnik cetak…bukan diukir… ada alasan yang kuat untuk itu.. teknologi melunakkan batu dan besi sudah ada sejak dulu

  9. The technology is sound waves you will find elongated skulls when you excavate this rate of people understood how to raise heavy weights with sound waves using a forgotten technology much like the Aborigines you’ve heard them play those low frequency sounds from the didgeridoo it’s knowing what note or frequency that will raise the stone

  10. Very interesting. Ancient Hawaiian knowledge speaks of the same thing! We have a book called "Tales of the night rainbow" that speaks of a sort of "levitation" through understanding your purpose of using the rock, then "asking permission FROM the rock" to move it…then moving the rock will be an easy task, for tge rock will not move if it doesnt want to, this is ancient knowledge, it and understanding of the world they lived in💯

  11. They didn't lift stones on that scale, drag them the hard way and never employ an animal, if they could help it.. Ancient people were smart as us, They would have had building plans, made measurements, consider practical options. They were us, not monkey people.. The pulleys, levers gears and rigging has long since been repurposed, used as fire wood or rotted away. You can bust a door open or raise a big rig, that is on it's side, with inflatables. They used water, inflatable devices, counterweights, when they could and rafts. You can raise a ship in a lock system, roll stones on logs. Think like a logger and a big rig tow truck driver, and crane operators. An air compressor is just a bellows. They had those as far back as it goes. You won't find them outside major cities, because you don't find much any thing, outside major cities. I believe giants and angels, Fallin and otherwise, but people can build this. If Fallin angels, giants or E. T. built this, than don't be afraid. Contractors today could build this, but they would waste money and use too much expensive equipment. They built their equipment, on the job, as they went and prefabed other reusable tools. They were us. Practical people. Metallurgy science and mathematics go back to Genesis. There were dinosaurs too. Titan demi gods, half human. Those are your Nephilim offs spring of Fallin angles. Gilgamesh is Nimrod. They've changed the names and flipped the story, all over the world. We have been sacrificing humans, worshiping the environment and created things, since the angels first fell. Planting in rows and working for the man. The Bible explains the flood, pangia, the fossil record, coal and oil deposits. The giant elongated heads, with no sagicule sutures. Man craves knowledge, not wisdom. He is motivated by a greed for worthless things.

  12. Jan Stanisław Kubary (born November 13, 1846 in Warsaw, died October 9, 1896 in Pohnpei), also referred to as Jan Stanisław Kubary, Jan Kubary or Johann Stanisław Kubary, was a Polish naturalist and ethnographer.

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